Seriously considering buying property in Dubai - a few questions

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New Member
The USD is pretty strong right now against the EUR, the CAD and the JPY.
Nope. JPY I'm not watching, it is falling against CAD at the moment. It is falling against EUR too but at lesser rate, which is because EUR is weak at the moment.

Brendan R

New Member
so much for dollar being in a bear trend, it looks like today reality is reasserting itself, with the Dow breaking 8000 down more than 300, Treasuries rallying, goodbye end of recession, hello depression

shahnaz khan

New Member
Can anyone tell me what is happeningwith Lakeviewtower 1and 2 in Emarites city. - Shahnaz
Can anybody see the light at the end of this long long tunnel. I know the market will not be like it was before but things could be quite well, any comments?


New Member
ah its alright now. things are selling, people are buying. its the rental market which is dire sales is fine.

Abu Ahmad

New Member
Hi guys

What would you say would be a good buying price right now in the following areas and how much do you think it will drop in the next 6 months:

- Downtown Burj Dubai
- Jumeirah Lake Towers
- Dubai Marina



New Member
Paid Trips


Great forum you have here! Just as a quick introduction, I've worked hard all my life in the building trade to the point where I've just about managed to put myself and family in a comfortable financial position and sell up before the recession struck.

Now that I have time on my hands, I'd like to spend a little more time abroad and Dubai is a place that really fascinates me. Yes, I'm looking at this from an investment perspective but first and foremost I want to but a property somewhere I feel I can happily spend lots of time during the miserable British winter.

However, I'm totally new to all this so was hoping I might find answers to a few questions here:

1. Are there any places online where I can get an idea of how far my budget will go? I'd prefer a house / villa to an apartment but I just don't know if this is feasible.

2. Any good estate agents / developers I should speak to? Maybe it's paranoia, but wherever there's affluence, crooks don't seem to be far away

3. Not a nice question, but one I feel I need to ask - is there any elevated risk of terrorism in Dubai that I should be concerned about?

4. I have friends who have bought property in Spain and there were a number of property dealer's who paid for or heavily subsidised their trip for viewings. Are there any companies in Dubai who offer similar deals?

Please excuse my ignorance re: some of the above, I am in the very early stages of looking into this.

Many thanks


Hi Chaz,

Let me know when you can come...I will arrange for your trip to Dubai.

Thanks :)
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