Hi Dave, thanks, I knew there were delays with Zafarana and nobody including me is that naive that there must be problems, what I wasn't aware of is the how serious these are. I think we have to be careful about how this information is handled but as long as it is factual information, then it should be shared on the forums.
The irony is that i intended to also buy a studio apartment in Las Cabanas, but decided to pull out due to OUD's poor after-sales service inc marketing, yet, now it looks as though this part of the resort is almost completed, so am really glad for those investors.
I had a contact on here, a young couple who purchased an apartment some time ago in Coral Sea pearl, and that collapsed and they lost about £20k, it upset them so much one of them was contemplating suicide, I can't tell you how sad that made me feel. Most of us are not rich people, just working class folks who want to do something better for their family. I am only 37 and remortgaged my house to pay for my investment so i could have a holiday home to visit as time goes on and for my parents to visit as they get older.
Lets stick together as investors and keep each other informed with factual information.
I have to say that in my dealings with IPI on MABR i have found them very professional and prompt when dealing with queries. I hope that somehow a solution is found regarding Zafarana.