Are you a Chapal World Investor? Join an Action Group.
Have you invested in any of the Chapal World Properties in either Ajman or Dubai? These are: Chapal The Presidency, Chapal The Harmony, Chapal The Glory, Chapal The Legacy, Chapal Corals, Chapal Dunes, Chapal Signature, Chapal Tropicals, Chapal Flora Residences, Emirates Lake Towers and Chapal Emirates Points.
I am looking to identify as many Chapal Word investors as possible with a view to setting up an Action Group to try and get the Government to take notice and some action with a view to recovering investor’s hard earned money. Options will also include group court action and/or supporting and informing those who are going down this route alone. I am a Chapal Investor myself and I am just about to commence court action but even getting to this point has been a journey of discovery and frustration.
The Action Group will also be a means of support and communication for investors. I will consider setting up a website if enough interest but first I need to gauge whether I can identify enough engaged and active Chapal investors to make this worthwhile and effective.
Please email your details to ChapalWorldActionGroupatHotmaildotcodotuk providing information on what property you have invested in and how much you have invested. Please provide brief details of any action you have taken and what the outcome was. I may use some of this information in the website if it will help others. Also personal details will be kept strictly confidential.
Also if you are in contact with other Chapal Investors – please pass on this message and ask them to email. You can also support by posting this thread in any other forum/website associated to Chapal.