One thing I do not understand is how come things cannot be printed on the forum. surely its a forum and should be freedom of speech. What is the point in having a forum in order to help others not make the same mistakes as any of us and give advice if we are only allowed to write good stuff and hide anything in a private forum which may be of interest to others.
Take regency beach - on here noone is allowed to post for legal reasons, however on doing one quick search I found another forum talking about itand the emails over the weekend and openly posting the link for everyone to read. I feel it is important that all the facts should be upfront and people should be allowed to post what they feel. otherwise the whole forum is a waste of time - take the thread trusted developers etc, if you cannot put the ones of there that you have had a bad experience with, how is the forum accurate? If we are all just writing the good stuff then we are not aware of any of the pitfuls.
Sorry just my opinion (if I am entitled to that!!!
I have appreciated all the really helpful comments but then if I am just hearing the good then I am gonna be pleased and am not getting the bigger picture on buying abroad.
What do others think?