New Member
I think this rule just applies to Hurghada but no idea why. There is no problem returning on charter flights or booking just one way just as long as you haven't been here more than 30 or 90 days. Not sure which is current. I heard it was 90 days if you are on an annual tourist visa and 30 days if you are on a resident visa but don't quote me. I think Thomas Cook are only selling return tickets to the UK within the 30 days to avoid this problem because so many people were buying tickets not realising this rule and the charter companies were selling them. My friend was turned away at the airport and had to wait until the following week to get on a scheduled flight. She got her money back from the charter company so they won't keep making this mistake by selling the tickets in the first place.I found the post and it was to do with if you were in egypt for a length of time, you are not allowed to get a charter flight back to the uk. Does any one know why this is? I would like to know because eventualy we want to stay in egypt for 6 months at a time.
Cheers Dawn
Easy Jet are scheduled so no problems if you book with them you can stay as long as you like. If you stay 6 months then return with Easy Jet or Egypt Air or BA via Cairo.