Hello Ron,
We spent nearly four hours today discussing the project of the kitchen with designer and trying to put all we need and want in the space provided. By now we fail to find any place for standard refrigirator and just put small one under the bar counter. We have to take off the developers bar counter in the kitchen and make new one with cabinet for refrigirator and cupboard, moving it 40 cm futher towards the reception. So new problem arises relating making tile on the floor and wall because this changes, etc.
As for prices.. kitchen base + wall units+granite nearly the price stated above but I tend to make kitchen without wall units, it cut the price save space and make the kitchen not overloaded with extra stuff. Tomorrow we will have one more meeting and I hope we can make final decision. I have printed plans now and I think tomorrow I scan them or get e-version of the project we did today and make tomorrow and share the ideas with you.