What are the best types of properties to buy?



New Member
The best types of properties to buy are much like what are the best areas to buy. The best types of properties to buy are ones that give you significant equity right at closing. That means that you are buying it for cheaper than the rest of the local market would value that piece of property for. The best types of properties to buy are the ones that offer the largest discounts with a fixable solution to why they were sold to you for that cheap. That can be any type of property.:captain:


New Member
According to my way Renatusus,Whether you're considering purchasing a multiunit complex for immediate rental, buying a home now with the idea of selling it a few years or profiting from the purchase of a fixer-upper that can be resold at a much higher price, here's what to look for when considering real estate as an investment.


Many people will specialise in one type of property and maybe one area to start with. Once they find their feet and gain more experience then venturing out to different areas and different types of property becomes an option. However, there are many people who stick to one specific area/type of property all of their investment careers and still do well. We are all different.