The Choice for Investors in the Middle East

  • Thread starter kabirmulchandani
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New Member
The UAE has always lead the Middle East region in terms of investor confidence, and Dubai is the main hub. Dubai’s competitive advantage stems from the fact that it is much safer compared to other Middle Eastern countries; perhaps something that is a result of its political neutrality. It is slightly less bureaucratic and has a sustained high level of investments made in road and rail infrastructure to keep up to speed with the growth in the countries’ economic development.

“I have been in Dubai for the last 8 years or so. Investing in this city has changed by business and my life. Despite all the challenges, I continue to invest in the real estate sector of the UAE because I believe there are clear opportunities for success.

There are still many challenges to overcome, but with the strength of existing businesses, and the commitment to develop the UAE further, the future of Dubai and the UAE looks promising.

Kabir Mulchandani