I guess due diligence is key anywhere you buy but I really cant see how it can be effectively carried out on some agencies.
They simply print lies - "members of XYZ organistion" "award winners 10 years running" "indemnity insurance..." blah blah blah.
That plus pages of "testimonials" - all fantastic, no mediocre ones funnily enough.... I told people to ask about hem on forums but they then rally their staff to join and post how good they were with them during their make believe sale or they tell the site admin to delete any criticism because of libel.
Very difficult indeed. Best thing to do is to know the process yourself and tell them how your purchase is going to go down and the T&C´s. not ideal though and unrealistic for Mr and Mrs Bloggs who don´t have any knowledge of Spanish or the purchase process, legalities in Spain.
I set up a program through my Tenerife site where we control the sale (as the mortgage broker) and apply strict controls over what the agent can do: capped commission at 5%, mortgage and valuation clauses in the contracts, no contact details past so no endless "follow-up calls" independent lawyer, money only handed to lawyer etc etc...
Have quite a few agents agreed and signed up, a couple of them are brilliant - no problems at all. But most of them still try and mess around once the client has made an offer and they can see a sale is realistic. They just aren´t happy with 5%, they want paid in cash, they want to write the purchase contract, they want to keep the deposit if client cant get a mortgage (them the agent, not the vendor!),they want to do the conveyance, they dont want a lawyer involved, they want black money....
We are getting clients through but almost every sale is a battle with the agent who I am giving business to! - Exhausting....
I think a lot of the problems relate to the fact that more than half of the estate agents in Tenerife are ex-Timeshare (ex-crooks) and these ways of working seem to be all they know.
I work with some agents in Spain too and whilst there are con artists in Mainland Spain, overall it doesn't seem as bad as Tenerife.