South of Aracaju, Sergipe, new oportunities arise



New Member
hi all

i am swiss/italian, and live in Aracaju, capital of Sergipe, smallest state of brazil, located between Bahia, and Alagoas.
The south of the state is very beautyful, with great landscapes, dunes, rivers, etc. and Praia do Saco, one of the beaches there, has been included by a famous french travel magazine into a list of of the one hundred most beautyful beaches in the world. The south is divided by two rivers, Vaza Barris, and Piaui. There was no bridge until recently, what somehow delaid the real estate development and tourism of this region. But recently the first bridge has been inaugured :

Ponte Joel Silveira é inaugurada com presença de ministro - Cinform Online - Independência e Credibilidade

and a second bridge is in construction :

Ponte Estância - Indiaroba, Ligação SE/BA - Page 2 - SkyscraperCity

which will be ready next year. This will aloud a shorter distance by car, from Aracaju, to Salvador de Bahia, of about 70km.

The government plans to invest R$ 100 mio in the next years, to develop tourism in this region :

Emsetur - Empresa Sergipana de Turismo


O Prodetur Nacional é uma linha de financiamento firmada através de um convênio entre o Governo Federal e o Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID). Dos R$ 100 milhões em recursos que serão destinados a Sergipe nos próximos anos, 50% serão de contrapartida, sendo 40% do Governo Federal e 10% sob responsabilidade do Governo do Estado.

As ações do Governo de Sergipe em prol do desenvolvimento do turismo ganharam ainda mais corpo após a consolidação dos investimentos em infra-estrutura, capacitação, serviços, qualificação do destino, gestão ambiental e fortalecimento institucional que apontaram no Estado, a partir deste ano.

Land is still very cheap in that region, and that will certainly change in the next few years. I bought 10ha of land straight on the river, 400m from the bridge in construction, with 220m on the riverside, and 500m inside. Mangue Seco can be reached by boat from my land in half an hour. My intention is to build a pier, and to parcel the land, and sell plots of ~ 350sqm, and to built ~ 30 bungalows for sale, and afterwards administrate them for rent. Other oportunities are still there for investors, anyone interested, can contact me, and i can give some tips. I am also a real estate broker, with local CRECI.

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