Selling property - carte de sejours?



New Member
Hello, I am looking for an official source of information on whether a British citizen can sell a property in Morocco without a Carte de Sejours. The previous carte expired a year ago but buyers are now ready and time is of the essence. I am receiving conflicting information from various agents and getting nowhere with the Consulate. Ideally I need something in writing to confirm either way whether the carte de sejours is a necessity for a foreigner to be able to sell. Any pointers please??


Have you taken legal advice? That way if the advice turns out to be wrong then you should be at least partly protected.


New Member
The advice seems to be to renew just to cover all bases (although with no confirmation as to whether it is actually necessary),but this may not be possible in the timeframe presented, so just wondering whether there are any other sources to try. Perhaps not!

Thanks for your advice.