my understanding is that all income tax on property rentals is waived by the government for the first 5 years (not 3) that the property is let
I think what you are referring to is the Personal vacation home property tax, which is a 5 year tax break. But otherwise, it's three years. See below.
PERSONAL INCOME TAX ON RENTAL INCOME (IGR) UK investors utilizing a buy let strategy will be responsible to pay tax on this income. In Tangier 60% of this income is taxable at 22% (other parts of Morocco are taxed at 44%). The city of Tangier has a 50% reduction on rental income tax adding yet one more advantage to invest in Tangier.
There is also a three year exoneration for the first three years the property is owned.
PROPERTY TAX (Taxe Urbaine) (Personal vacation home option) Property taxes are paid annually. The first five years owners have full exoneration (Property agencies are NOT included). After 5 years the tax is based on the property's annual rental value.
This is done with a graduated tax table:
Value Tax
Less than 3,000dh 0%
between 3,001 and 6,000 dh 10%
between 6,001 and 12,000 dh 16%
between 1,201 and 24,000 dh 20%
between 2,401 and 36,000 dh 24%
between 3,6001 and 60,000 dh 28%
more than 60,000 dh 30%
There is a 75% discount if the home is your permanent or vacation home residence.
PROPERTY RENTAL TAX (Taxe Urbaine) (Investor option) Investors pay 13.50% on the rental value of the property.