Bob, Leipzig is nice place, but a long way if anything goes wrong with your property, suggest Berlin as it's easy to get to, a capital city and a huge rental market 88% of people there rent and there is a huge demand now form expats looking for nice apartments to rent, if you want to see some property in Berlin send me a PM with your email address and will send you few samples of 8% yield property in Central Berlin. John
Absolute nonsense. Leipzig is no further away than Berlin. It is serviced through Altenburg-Nobitz airfield by Ryanair from Stansted and I believe Edinburgh.
Dresden is also worthy of note for investors and is served by Gatwick.
This guy is on the make and will direct you to his properties in Berlin.
I could do the same but won't because that is not what you've asked.
Berlin is a wonderful city - no doubt. Property is cheaper than most Euro large cities. The yeild is almost always lower than the likes of Leipzig or Dresden,
Buyer beware - do you homework carefully - no need to be edged into anything which doesn't appeal to you by the likes of the above sales shark.
John if you can't give factual info then stay away.