There are no such things as escrow accounts in Egypt, the monies will almost certainly go directly into the developers account.
As a developing country there are very few global development companies involved that are rich enough to be able to build without using the clients money as cash flow.
However the cost of the land is cheap and the build cost is low, from a developers point of view there is more value in completing a dvelopment and moving on than taking a handful of deposits and 'doing a runner'
A good solicitor can check the due diligence of the developer including if there are any outstanding monies on the land.
Although the local developers will try to get as much as they can for their properties they will almost always carry the development to the end.
As far as the government are concerned the touristic revenue is THE most important revenue to them, and if a local developer abuses foreign investment they are punished beyond belief, I have even known the authorities step in to deliver the developers promises to safe guard the future tourism investment program and industry.
I feel it is a safe investment but you obviously need to check everthing and take as much advice as possible.