In my house, on my floor, in the corner of the building, my apartment tops the "superdeluxe best apartment ever and for all future to come" list.Dubai tops Mideast Cities of the Future list
It's a shame you're always so patronising and negative towards Dubai.In my house, on my floor, in the corner of the building, my apartment tops the "superdeluxe best apartment ever and for all future to come" list.
"This top-ranking highlights the opportunities that exist in this apartment"
Both actually. Point being:It's a shame you're always so patronising and negative towards Dubai.
I assume you either work in Dubai or own property there?
If not then I have no idea why you would use this forum.
Please explain?
“Ministry of Labour officials were quoted in the local press saying that visa cancellations in Dubai have accelerated since Oct 2008, and are now averaging 1,500 a day, and exceeding 2,000 on some days,” said Ms Nicola.
suggesting that, no matter what the actual figures are, they will try to come up with a figure that's only high enough to seem realistic enough to not be questioned but not really reflect the real number. I guess we'll see in about a week as stated in the article.The Department of Naturalisation and Residency Dubai (DNRD) declined to comment on whether the figure quoted was correct, stating that every ministerial department had its own figures and talks were ongoing in order to determine the right number.
I think Doha and Abu Dhabi will take over dubai this year.How far behind are the rest of the cities on that list compared to Dubai?