Credit notes\consolidation

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New Member
Looking for anybody who had experience with cerdit noes or consolidated a few units into one. How does it work& What is the procedures(legal docs, expenses. fees and fines fro the developer whom you are leaving)
Did it happen to anybody that you moved not within project of the same developer but to abother developer with the payed money?


New Member
First you need a trust-able brokerage firm. Hamptons was perfect for me. The will first take the cheque from buyer and deposit in their account. When the get the money than you can move forward without any worries.

This was for emaar, you need to give power of attorney to the buyer of credit. And application for the transfer. Emaar made sign some papers, then wait for the transfer. When transfer is complete, take the cheque for agreed amount from Hamptons or any other reputable brokerage.
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