Cheap flights and rising tourism numbers set to make 2011 a better bet for buy to let...

Nicholas Wallwork

Nicholas Wallwork

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I think the number of flights is getting bigger every year. How often do you fly?


New Member
I fly about once every three months. Unfortunately, every flight is terribly stressful for me, which provokes panic attacks, especially if I fly long distances. Tell us about your experience.


New Member
Perhaps you missed the point of choosing a seat when you booked your tickets. I think you need to wait until the website shows the seats that are available, and you can change your seat. I love sitting near the window and watching the clouds. I much prefer to fly business class. My choice stems from the fact that I am willing to pay for a convenient flight. Silence and comfort are something I do not feel sorry spending my money on. The quality of the flight determines my mood for the journey. Answering your question, I can say that the most significant difference between business class and economy class for me is the location and comfort of the plane seats and the flight service.