New Member
I am looking to invest in Southern Cyrus, I am purely looking to make money on the property not use it for a holiday home, I am considering a 1/2 bed apartment, is there still money to be made if I buy now or have I missed the boat???. I am talking to a local overseas sales company who are offering me a 1 bed apartment in larnaca/Limissol for £140.000 off plan to be completed in 2010; they are predicting I will see a 20-30% return over the next 3-5 years. They are also telling me I will cover my mortgage payments over the next 3-5 years from rental income.
I have read some other threads where there seems to be mixed views, some say get in now there’s still good money to be made, some say the bubbles about to burst, I would really appreciate some good advice from somebody who knows the market I am very concerned about making the wrong investment.
Thank you
I have read some other threads where there seems to be mixed views, some say get in now there’s still good money to be made, some say the bubbles about to burst, I would really appreciate some good advice from somebody who knows the market I am very concerned about making the wrong investment.
Thank you