Can a developer change the size and then demand nore money??

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Senior Member
Can a developer change the size and then demand more money??

Hi all

Looking for some input please.

Once you have found a property and signed the contract which states the size of the property upon handover can the developer demand more money - nearly 11k -because they have increased the size from 99m2 to 111.5????


Of course not. This is very strange.

You would of signed a contract to recieve a property of a certain size, and both parties agree to this. If this happened this is a breach of an agreed contract. Talk to your lawyer.

This is very strange. Where are you buying? in a banana state?

Read the detail of your contract, to see exactly what you have signed to buy, if it states in the contract that you are willing to pay extra if the house is bigger than maybe you have to pay, but that owuld be one strange contract.

Name and shame the developer so other people dont get hood winked.


Senior Member
hi it isnt what i have bought but a friend on another development in egypt

the contract states the size as 99m2 but also states moreorless too?? which could be the developers way round getting extra money and his loophole????


New Member
Some contracts with Regency developments have had a clause entered that states that if it is found to be larger you have to pay. Mind you, there are also regency contracts without this clause where buyers are stilll being asked for more money.

As far as I am aware, if its not in the contract, it's their problem, not yours.
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