Well you know what they say - If it walks like a duck.... and quacks like a duck.....
It is the responsibility of the buyer to do their homework. Does anyone believe all the TV advertising they see, or the stuff that is printed in a lot of newspapers? No you don't. Every buyer must do their homework.
Ok some estate agents are greedy, but there are many who are decent and honest. But it is still down to the buyer to check out these golden promises.
I do feel for those people who got taken in, as hard earned money is difficult to come by, I have seen and heard of so many people hand over there savings to someone they basically met on the street, for property or renovation and building work, then complain they never got what they were promised and in some cases never got anything at all!!!!!
You would never do this at home, so why do it in another country? Please all new buyers tread with care, do your homework and things should be fine.
Oh! and another warning, don't feel safe because you have met someone from the same country as yourselves who promises to 'sort it all out'. They rely on the fact that you are relieved to be speaking the same language, and that you are vulnerable, they could be the biggest cheats of all.
Plan everything carefully, check everything twice and don't be rushed into making a decision, so when you do find your dream home, that's what it is.