Anyone Subscribe to Overseas Property Professional?

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New Member
I'm after an article they ran in their last issue that featured research on the size of the overseas property market conducted by Datamonitor as I'm trying to pitch a new book project to agents/publishers and need to prove to them that the market is a lot bigger than they think.

If anyone has membership and access to this article, please can you PM me?

Thank you.


New Member

Why don't you just contact them directly, you can get their website details through Google. I am sure that they would send you a copy of th article for some sort of acknowedgement. Otherwise you would be able to pick up a copy at the next decent Overseas Property Show as they generally have a stand there.


Are you talking about the big report that costs 1200 pounds or 900 pounds or quite alot of money.


New Member
I don't need reams and reams of data.

It's just when I approached a few publishers about the possibility of writing another property book - this time aimed at a more mass market audience - something like 'A Place in the Sun' for 25-40 year olds.

The publishers don't think that such a market exists, but the survey that the market is there. I was just looking for something a bit more concrete to send the publishers as all I have is a few paragraphs with the key findings that they sent out as part of a press release which was picked up by a couple of small newspapers.

So I certainly don't need a huge detailed report.


You can ask them for a sample copy in fairness it is a pretty good publication.


There is an active and educated 15 to 45 age group, who are keen to learn and earn through property both domestic and international. Actually probably 90% of the population would like to know how to make money through overseas property, so there is definately a market. Regardless if it is in print or not. Or regardless what any one says.

oregon woodsmoke

New Member
I don't know that publication, but I have been able to get "tear sheets" from magazines, where it is just the pages with the article I want. They are usually available only for a couple of months after publication date.

Almost all magazines will sell a single back issue, if you know what issue the article was in.

If they are publishing a magazine, they are a publisher-- try pitching your book to them, too.


New Member
Thanks for the suggestion.

My publisher should have sent them a review copy last week, so I will wait to see what happens!

I've never seen a copy of the magazine before so I don't know if they run book reviews or not, but it's worth a try.
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